What is the " Storm Area 51 Raid" all about?  - Seattle Advertising 

About the author : Diana

I'm a professional writer specializing in Web Development, Design, Developing Mobile Apps, Metaverse, NFTs, Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies.

Storm Area 51. It’s lightly guarded and it can’t handle a mass of people. Let’s go and see them aliens. In terms of reach, it’s a meme that has digital marketing professionals salivating. With over 2 million people checking in for the September 20th event, it’s gone far beyond the initial joke and taken a life of its own. There are apparently a million people out there who love the idea of storming a secretive government facility to see what’s inside, and the internet has come alive with people looking to take advantage of the phenomenon. Like so many other things, this particular bit of digital wackiness started off as a joke. By this point in time, the secret of what’s at – or at least, what’s not at – Area 51 is actually pretty well known. The Nevada base has, at least officially, been home to some of the…