Is Social Media Actually GOOD for your mental health?  - Seattle Advertising 

About the author : Diana

I'm a professional writer specializing in Web Development, Design, Developing Mobile Apps, Metaverse, NFTs, Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies.

Scientist believe life events and social changes NOT technology is to blame for mental distress. A new study suggest social media may actually benefit and improve our well-being. New York Post This article examined a recent study from Michigan State University Professor Keith Hampton. Hampton tracked more than 13,000 students from 2015-2016. These results ran contrary to popular wisdom, noting that social media users are 63% less likely to undergo “serious psychological stress” within a one-year period. Interestingly enough, the percentage further fell when the person being surveyed that family members who used social media and had positive mental health. In the article, Professor Hampton stated that he felt that other studies did not “isolate new tech from youth,” and didn’t take into account other societal changes, such as the stresses of the global economy and continued breakdown of the nuclear family unit. As a result, increases in levels of…